2004/11/03 - first public version
2004/11/03 - site released
features |
- Easy command addition, as it's written in Tcl, which is a scripting language. You can add a new command and make it available right away, no reboot necessary.
- Already implemented chat commands, far beyond what current DC++ hubs implement (or which are currently implemented through bots)
- Easy runtime configuration. No need to reboot to change some configuration limit.
- Easy translation of messages. All messages are written as templates and grouped together, so translation is very easy. Non programmers can do it in no time.
- Implements the standard DC++ protocol, as well as extensions.
- Easy to use administrative interface.
- Allows various limits to be imposed: allow/deny for hosts, hosts/user/word ban, maximum number of users, minimum share, search interval, anti flood capabilities.
- User levels, with commands available to each level.
- Multi-room, not only mainchat.
platforms |
tkhub should work on all platforms that Tcl/Tk is supported. Up to date it was reported to work on:
- Linux
- Windows